Sunday, October 25, 2009

The worst thing he ever did

Two drunk friends are bragging about the worst things they have done whilst under the infgluence.

"Thas pretty bad man." Jay stuttered. "But I can top that."

"Oh yeah?" Billy laughed

"Yeah, so one time at a party Kathy and I were trashed, and we, um, well we slept together."

Billy's eyes grew wide. "You slept with Pete's girl? dude, uncool!" He laughed. "But that's not too bad, I mean I've done worse."

"Ya right, like what?"

"I killed someone once!" Billy yelled triumphantly. after a moment he realized what he had just said and grew quiet."

"e-excuse, me...? Jay looked nervous.

"I think I killed someone once. It was late and I was driving home after a party, and all of a sudden something was in the road, and i tried to stop, but i hit it straight on, and just kept driving." He was crying now, and Jay just sat there stunned.

He finally spoke. "Maybe it was a deer."

"No," Billy sobbed, "I wasn't drunk, I know it was a person, when I got home, there was blood all over the front of my truck. I spent the rest of the night cleaning it."

"I-I don't know what to say." Jay whispered. They sat there for some time, neither of them took another drink.

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