Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sarcastic Snow Picnic

B: "Oh look, snow! maybe we can make an igloo." He said sarcastically.

A: "C'mon, the weather guy said that it might flurry, nothing to worry about." she playfully punched his shoulder.

"Well, do you at least have the coco so we can stay warm?"

"OH! oh no I forgot!" She gasped. he let out a large grunt. "I only brought ice water and popsicles, I figured it would be really warm and we would want to cool off. He glared at her "Relax! I was only being facetious, I brought the coco, and the blanket, and everything else to keep us warm."

"Besides a heater."

"Oh stop bitching, I was only trying to cheer you up. This picnic in the park will be fun. And if you don't cheer up I'll shove snow in your face." She laughed.

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