Sunday, October 25, 2009

The worst thing he ever did

Two drunk friends are bragging about the worst things they have done whilst under the infgluence.

"Thas pretty bad man." Jay stuttered. "But I can top that."

"Oh yeah?" Billy laughed

"Yeah, so one time at a party Kathy and I were trashed, and we, um, well we slept together."

Billy's eyes grew wide. "You slept with Pete's girl? dude, uncool!" He laughed. "But that's not too bad, I mean I've done worse."

"Ya right, like what?"

"I killed someone once!" Billy yelled triumphantly. after a moment he realized what he had just said and grew quiet."

"e-excuse, me...? Jay looked nervous.

"I think I killed someone once. It was late and I was driving home after a party, and all of a sudden something was in the road, and i tried to stop, but i hit it straight on, and just kept driving." He was crying now, and Jay just sat there stunned.

He finally spoke. "Maybe it was a deer."

"No," Billy sobbed, "I wasn't drunk, I know it was a person, when I got home, there was blood all over the front of my truck. I spent the rest of the night cleaning it."

"I-I don't know what to say." Jay whispered. They sat there for some time, neither of them took another drink.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I want you to want me

I want you to want me. He hated Cheap Trick. I want you to want me. he couldn't get that stupid phrase out of his head.


Lee sat in the dark laboratory, florecent lights were bad for science. He rubbed his stubby fingers through his short brown hair. He let out an enormous, melodramatic sigh, and looked at the pocket watch that was lying on the desk. I want you to want me.

"Argh, you know what I want E?" Three days ago he would not have asked this question. Three days ago he had not split himself into two people in one body.

"What is that L?" E was mocking L now. Of course he knew what L wanted, L always wanted the same damn thing; to go back in time.

"I want to get that song out of my head."

"I'm afraid I don't know what song it is you have stuck in your head L, we don't share the same mind anymore,"

There was a pause as L contemplated changing the subject, E would not be happy when L told him the name of the song. "I want you to want me."

There was a pause, suddenly E slammed the table causeing the pocket watch to fall to the floor. "Don't ever tell me anything that remindes me of little brother L" He was quiet now. "Just shut up," he picked up his little brother's pocket watch, and put it back on the table, "just, just keep working on time travel.

L did what he was told, he hated that E had split off from him, so he always obeyed him, in the hope that one day he would come back. L knew that E would come back if he could build the time machine and save little brother. Lee sat at his desk and worked harder and longer than ever before, hoping that he would succeed. Hoping that if he discovered that time travel was possible, he would be able to change the past. There were so many theories and laws on time travel that Lee had no idea which one was correct. All they knew was even though he hated that song, they would give anything to hear little brother sing his favorite song ong one more time, I want you to want me.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sarcastic Snow Picnic

B: "Oh look, snow! maybe we can make an igloo." He said sarcastically.

A: "C'mon, the weather guy said that it might flurry, nothing to worry about." she playfully punched his shoulder.

"Well, do you at least have the coco so we can stay warm?"

"OH! oh no I forgot!" She gasped. he let out a large grunt. "I only brought ice water and popsicles, I figured it would be really warm and we would want to cool off. He glared at her "Relax! I was only being facetious, I brought the coco, and the blanket, and everything else to keep us warm."

"Besides a heater."

"Oh stop bitching, I was only trying to cheer you up. This picnic in the park will be fun. And if you don't cheer up I'll shove snow in your face." She laughed.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Heaven's Pass

Harry was having the worst day; his '92 Subaru Outback had gotten a flat tire, his wife had confessed that she was sleeping with his best friend, and he had lost his job. Oh, and he lived in New Orleans. Harry had given up and left and was en route to Baton Rouge, when it hit him, a panic attack like none he had ever fathomed. His heart pounded on the inside of his chest and hot sweat dripped of his body; with blurred vision he swerved and busted a tire. Cursing his luck he look around in all directions looking for some sign of help, nothing. He turned back to his car, and there it was, Heaven's Pass Diner. Confused, Harry entered the diner looking around trying to see if it actually existed. It looked like your average diner, but it felt like something else. Across from the door was the bar colored a pale pink. on both sides of Harry were booths, all of which were full. The bright red booths gleamed in the somehow natural, and not at all florecent lights. An aroma ventured into his nostrils, apple pie, blueberry pie, eggs, bacon, coffee. Then without warning there she was, an attractive blond waitress.
"G'day love, please have a seat over here."